Automation, CI and the Covve pets

Alex Protogerellis in Engineering on 05 Sep.

Automation, CI and the Covve pets

Being obsessed with automation, quality and continuous integration here at Covve means that we typically release something new on one of our platforms or systems every week. This is great because it allows us to quickly respond to user feedback, rapidly innovate and quickly seize opportunities. More importantly though, once a week I get the pleasure of a humorous auto-generated release name! So, here’s my top 5 release names from our cross platform app product.

Its worth saying that in addition to the auto-generated name (we use “codename” for this), our very own Mike invests some quality time picking just the right image for each release. So here goes:

#5 Anxious dogfish


#4 Attractive salmon


#3 Unusual jackal


#2 Glamorous Chimpanzee


#1 Depressed eel


OK… back to work now :)
