Partly to celebrate a year’s work leading up to the release of Covve’s Android app and partly due to my long overdue promise of carnivorous heaven at my little hut in the Greek mountains, January featured Covve’s engineering team retreat.
The weekend featured pizza making, “Antikristo” lamb (hardcore Cretan lamb on the spit), boardgames around the fireplace and Covve’s first land based FPV (drone) grand-prix.
Here are some of the highlights.
Pizza making
Led by master chef (and full stack developer) Michalis, making pizzas the proper way, in wood fired oven.
The “Antikristo” experience
Antikristo is Crete’s ages-old way of cooking lamb. Typically seen in faraway corners of the Cretan mountains, sheep herders would use antikristo cooking to cook lamb around the camp fire.
Covve’s recipe was not much different: Dig huge hole - Light massive fire - Skewer whole lamb - Wait
Led by Manolis (Covve’s resident Cretan, dancer and, at times, lead backend engineer), Covve’s first attempt at antikristo was, simply, sublime.
FPV grand-prix
Despite all the “back to basics” activity of the weekend, a good chunk of nerdiness was necessary. FPV stands for First Person View, piloting a craft (in our case a beast of a 4x4 monster truck) using video goggles and a camera strapped to the front of the car.
Excluding myself (an FPV maniac and author and, during office hour’s Covve’s CTO and PM), Michalis scored the fastest lap at a respectable 00:58:02.